1913 Fairbanks Morse Tractor
This is a model of a 1913 Fairbanks Morse oil(Kerosene) tractor. Since I am building it from photos and not the real thing I can not say it is a scale model, It is powered by a one cylinder hit and miss engine. It had two speeds, forward and reverse. The forward speed was about 2.5 miles per hour. The is a picture of the real thing.
Now the real work begins. I will be designing and building the engine which is a Hit & Miss one cylinder engine. The orginal engine had an eighteen inch stroke with a 10 inch bore. Mine will have a 2.25" stroke with a 1.875" bore.
(10/26/2021) 1500+ hours over 13 months I am calling this project complete. Now what do I do with it? I grew up in Minnesota and riggs such as this were used out on the paririe. I may donate it to one one of the history museums located in my hometown area.